FAQs About OrthoK


What is OrthoK?

Orthokeratology, or OrthoK, is an FDA-approved non-surgical treatment method of vision correction that has been safely used for over 20 years. OrthoK is FDA approved for patients of all ages. It’s an alternative to glasses, contact lenses or refractive surgeries like LASIK. The effects are non-permanent and reversible.

OrthoK goes by many names:

  • Gentle Vision Shaping System (GVSS)

  • Corneal Reshaping Therapy (CRT)

  • Vision Shaping Therapy (VST)

  • Corneal Molding (CM)

How does OrthoK work?

A rigid gas-permeable retainer contact lens is custom-made for each patient’s eyes by our Olathe Myopia Control experts and is worn at night. The lenses gently and painlessly reshape the cornea to correct vision during the day without glasses or contact lenses.

An added benefit is OrthoK has been proven to be effective at slowing or stopping myopia progression, protecting a child’s adult vision while freeing them from glasses here and now.

Who is a candidate for OrthoK?

The best candidates are young myopic (nearsighted) children whose eyesight is getting worse every year. Studies have shown this treatment is an effective method of slowing down the progression of myopia in children. OrthoK can protect their future sight. 

People unable to wear contact lenses because of allergies, discomfort, dryness, or inconvenience are excellent candidates for OrthoK. Because the retainers are worn while you sleep, discomfort or complications experienced while wearing traditional contact lenses are reduced.

People who want or need excellent vision without the hassle of wearing glasses or contact lenses are great candidates for OrthoK. It’s beneficial for pilots, police officers, military personnel, athletes, parents of small children, and lifeguards. It’s also great for people who enjoy a variety of activities like playing sports, hiking, camping, swimming, off-road driving, snorkeling, biking, and scuba diving.

People who require vision correction and engage regularly in sports or work in extremely dusty, dirty environments will also appreciate the convenience of OrthoK.

Can I still get LASIK or switch to glasses or daily contact lenses after OrthoK?

The effects of OrthoK are reversible, so refractive surgery like LASIK is possible after treatment with OrthoK lenses. Glasses and daily contact lenses also remain options after OrthoK treatment. Since OrthoK reshapes the cornea, treatment must be discontinued for several weeks before undergoing refractive surgery to allow the eyes to return to their original shape.

What vision can I expect with OrthoK?

The goal with OrthoK treatment is 20/20 vision without any need for glasses or daytime contact lenses. Most patients achieve this, though certain conditions—such as pre-treatment prescription, corneal shape, or corneal moldability—may limit improvement in vision.

More than 90% of OrthoK patients in FDA trials achieved 20/40 vision or better, the legal requirement for driving without corrective lenses in Kansas and Missouri. More than 65% of patients achieved 20/20 vision or better. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Reed today to see if you are a good candidate for successful OrthoK treatment.

How long does it take to achieve full correction with OrthoK?

The time needed to achieve full correction varies depending on certain factors, such as age and pre-treatment prescription. Children often see full results within a few days, and adults within two or three weeks.

What if I sleep less than most people?

Though OrthoK treatment is best with seven to nine hours of sleep, with as little of four hours of sleep every night your vision will be clearer the next morning.

Is vision correction with OrthoK permanent?

OrthoK provides patients great vision throughout the day and well into the evening. In order to maintain clear vision on a daily basis, the retainer lenses need to be worn every night, but some patients can have clear vision with treatment every other night. For children, it is recommended to wear them every night to control myopia progression. If OrthoK retainer lens wear is stopped completely, the cornea will revert to its normal shape and vision will return to its pre-treatment level, usually within two weeks.

Do OrthoK lenses hurt?

OrthoK retainer lenses are worn while sleeping, so discomfort and lens awareness is generally not an issue.

Can I see while wearing OrthoK lenses?

Yes. Vision while wearing OrthoK retainer lenses is clear, though not always as clear as after a full night of wear.

Is it easy to put in and take out OrthoK lenses?

OrthoK retainer lenses are inserted and removed much like daily soft or gas-permeable contact lenses. Reed Family Vision staff will fully train you on retainer lens insertion and removal at the start of your OrthoK treatment program.

How often are OrthoK lenses replaced?

OrthoK retainer lenses must be replaced at least once per year. They may need replaced more frequently if the lenses become warped or if excessive oil or protein deposits accumulate.

What if I lose a lens?

If you lose a retainer lens, it is recommended to get a replacement one ASAP. OrthoK treatment is not permanent, so as little as one night without retainer lens wear can result in reduced vision. It is often recommended to have a backup set of OrthoK retainer lenses.

Is OrthoK expensive?

OrthoK programs require several office visits and a high level of expertise requiring years of study and ongoing education. The retainer lenses are custom designed to each patient’s unique eye shape through very sophisticated measurements utilizing corneal topography data. OrthoK retainer lenses and fitting fees are more costly than most soft contact lenses, though one pair of lenses replaced annually costs less than most annual supplies of daily disposable contact lenses. Additionally, OrthoK wearers do not need to replace eyeglasses annually, so the long-term costs tend to be lower with OrthoK.

Will my insurance cover OrthoK?

OrthoK is considered an elective procedure and is typically not covered by insurance.  

Is Financing Available?

OrthoK is an FSA/HSA eligible expense. Reed Family Vision also accepts the CareCredit card healthcare financing system.

I’m ready! What are the next steps?

At Reed Family Vision you or your child will be scheduled for an OrthoK consult at no charge to you. We will analyze your glasses prescription, cornea shape, and other eye health factors to determine if you are a good candidate for OrthoK treatment. This consultation is not the same thing as an annual eye exam, but it can be done at the same time as your annual eye exam. Book a consultation online or call us today at (913)732-2552 to schedule.

Once Dr. Reed has established that you are a good candidate, the process is as follows:

  1.  Custom OrthoK Lens Design:  Dr. Reed uses advanced technology to map the cornea shape of your individual eyes. This information is then used to design a custom OrthoK lens for your eyes.  

  2. Initial OrthoK fitting and training:  After your custom OrthoK retainer lenses arrive, Dr. Reed will assess the initial fit of the lenses. At this visit, you will be taught how to properly insert, remove, clean and care for the lenses.

  3. Follow-up Care:  After the initial fitting, Dr. Reed will perform check-ups to evaluate changes in vision and the shape of your eyes to verify proper fit and effectiveness. Minor adjustments to lens design will be made if needed. These follow-up visits during the first year of OrthoK treatment will be made at 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months at a minimum. The second year and beyond of OrthoK treatment requires a follow up visit every 6 months.